Sunday, March 31, 2024

Blackbirds (2024) by Steve Halle

Blackbirds by Steve Halle

Steve Halle’s Blackbirds begins from the premise that language, when employed as poetry, can benefit, be purified, by the deconstructive impulse. The process, not of direct iteration, but of around direct iteration, being an impetus for words to take sensory data and transcendentalize it. The creation of a world around, rather than the vulgarity of head-on collisions. From the inside of an asylum, what is explored is what asylum, taking shelter, means— asylum in language, asylum in vision. From that sense of asylum, emerges the prophetic— beyond language, around sense. Blackbirds essential prophecy is then a revelation of what language is, what its potentialities are, in the face of travesty and stasis.


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